Il Tempo a Imperia
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Posts Tagged ‘celebrations’

PostHeaderIcon St. John’s Celebrations

Like every year, St. John’s celebrations are approaching (June 24th). He’s the patron of Imperia, you’ll think. No, you’re wrong.  Our patron is St. Leonard.

Unfortunately, the history of Imperia was a bit troubled, made by local pride and bad blood. Maybe one day I’ll tell you more:  suffice to say Imperia was born (simplifying a lot) joining Porto Maurizio and Oneglia. Both with a  patron, who’s continued to be celebrated. In june it’s Oneglia’s time.

It’s always a nice celebration.  This time will last 10 days and other than visit the fair on the port, a jump to the “sagra” to taste stockfish made the Oneglia way is mandatory: it’s a delight I can’t stay without, at least once a year.

You’ll have the opportunity to see the famous “Giuvanina“, a record 3 meter diameter pan, where they cooked 13 quintals (2866 pounds) of stockfish. And its little sister,  “Battistina”, 1.2 meter diameter.

This year a new pan will be christened,  “Ineja” (dialect name for Oneglia), which will fry local fresh caught bluefish.

Sunday 24 it’s firework time, to be enjoyed from the urban park, directly on the sea.