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Posts Tagged ‘mill’

PostHeaderIcon Bell Tower and Bells

Finally restorers have started their work on the bell tower, and something good is making out .

That’s how it was and how it’s today.

Placing the slate slabs was a real pain: four days of work, every single slab cut by hand! But now it’s a completely new thing!

Inside the bell tower we have the original bells installed by Father Angelico Bracco, who restored the Mill in the second half of the 19th century (his goal was to build a little convent). These bells were fused in Cenova (yes, beginning with C), a small village in the hinterland (click on the photo e you’ll be able to see yourself the original inscription).

We can say they are as old as Italy, because they were made a few years after the Reign of Italy was established.

PostHeaderIcon In the neighborhood…

Dear mill, where are you?

… of our Mill, a few minutes along a path, you’ll find the oratory of San Martino.

It’s a really small church, now destination only of some processions from the church of San Giorgio. It was never deconsecrated and was built at the end of 16th century.Chiesa di San Martino

Indeed the processions comes to the oratory through an old romanic bridge, under renovation too (thanks to FAI) and works are under our architect’s direction. Some studies say the bridge was a way followed by pilgrim from Tanaro Valley going to Holy Land.

Ponte di San Martino

We live near a piece of story, who could say…